This form is used to submit Education allocation proposals for the RCC Midway Compute Cluster, for the support of University of Chicago courses, workshops and short-term training that require access to high-performance computing capabilities. The RCC can provide temporary user accounts for participants who do not already have an RCC account. For courses and non-RCC organized workshops, please provide with your proposal an estimate of the number of participants and the expected resources needed (SUs, storage, software, access to GPU-enabled nodes, or access to the RCC's visualization lab). If accounts and computing are needed for only a portion of the course or workshop, please provide those dates, or an estimate. Once the education allocation has been accepted and the participant list finalized, the RCC will request the list of CNetIDs for University of Chicago participants, and names and birthdates for visitors in order to provide them with temporary CNetIDs. Access to Midway will expire at the conclusion of the course or workshop. Instructor's CNetID: * Full Name of Course Instructor * University of Chicago Unit * - Select -Biological Sciences DivisionBooth School of BusinessThe CollegeCrown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and PracticeDivinity SchoolGraham School of Continuing Liberal and Professional StudiesHarris School of Public PolicyHumanities DivisionThe Law SchoolPhysical Sciences DivisionPritzker School of Molecular EngineeringSocial Sciences DivisionThe University of Chicago LibraryOther Please select the school or division that the Instructor is associated with Name of course or workshop: * Course number (if applicable): Course or workshop start date: * Month MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Day Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Year Year20242025 Course or workshop end date: * Month MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Day Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Year Year20252026 Number of participants (may be approximate): * Service Units Requested * Storage requested (GB) Requested RCC system/Partition to be used - None -Beagle3GM4Midway2Midway3Midway3-AMDMidway3-SSDN/A Cluster for requested storage Proposal text (PDF or Word format up to 2 MB): Or enter Proposal text below: Participant's List (PDF, Word, or Excel format up to 2 MB) or enter Participant's List below: For university courses, please include the names and CNetIDs of the instructor, teaching assistant(s), and registered students. For short-term training or workshops, please provide the names of teaching assistants(s) and registered attendees, as well as CNetIDs, if assigned. Leave this field blank CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.