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Example image from the PASCAL VOC challenge.

Knowing Where to Look

Monday, May 4, 2015

 Getting a computer to “know what is where by looking” is a lot harder than it, er, looks.

DES J0335.6-5403, a celestial object found with the Dark Energy Camera. It is the most likely of the newly discovered candidates to be a galaxy, according to DES scientists. This object sits roughly 100,000 light-years from Earth, and contains very few stars – only about 300 could be detected with DES data. Right: the detectable stars that likely belong to this object, with all other visible matter blacked out. Image: Fermilab/Dark Energy Survey.

Scientists Find Rare Dwarf Satellite Galaxy Candidates in Dark Energy Survey Data

Friday, May 1, 2015

Scientists on two continents have independently discovered a set of dwarf satellite galaxies orbiting our own Milky Way Galaxy.

Kenwood Academy students work in the CSIL computer lab on Brain Awareness Day. Photo by RCC.

The Most Wonderful Organ

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Students from a Chicago public high school come to campus to learn about the brain--and high-performance computing.

Argonne microbial ecologist Jack Gilbert (foreground) and Sparkling Pointe winemaker Gilles Martin take samples of the microbes living on the leaves, flowers, soil and roots of grapevines as part of a study on how microbes affect plant health. Photo courtesy Kristin West (FMC Corporation) and Jack Gilbert.

Researchers Study Grapevine Microbiota

Friday, March 27, 2015

When we drive past sunny fields of grapes, we might think we’re seeing how they’re doing—but much more is going on invisible to the human eye: vines and roots teeming with bacteria, viruses and fungi that all impact how those grapes will grow.

Planetarium show. Courtesy Mark SubbaRao.

Not Just for Starlight Anymore

Monday, March 2, 2015

 A planetarium is a multipurpose, high-resolution visualization facility--and it’s not limited to astronomy.
