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Brains--Sliced, Scanned, and Modeled

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

RCC partnered with UChicago Charter Woodlawn Campus and the High Performance Electrical NeuroImaging Laboratory for Brain Awareness Day 2017.


Participants on the Open Data Day 2017 hackathon. Image by Luis Ibanez

RCC Hosts Open Data Day Hackathon

Monday, March 13, 2017

Part of the 7th annual Open Data Day.

DaLI will support data-intensive projects including, clockwise from top, XENON1T, XROMM, and the South Pole Telescope.

NSF Grant Provides UChicago, MBL Researchers with a New Instrument to Manage Experimental and Observational Data

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The enormous data sets collected by today’s researchers from instruments and observations are creating enormous challenges in data management and computation. To help meet these challenges, the NSF has awarded a grant to the RCC for the Data Lifecycle Instrument (DaLI).

Farm destroyed by a dust storm. Image courtesy of USDA.

Dust Bowl Would Devastate Today’s Crops, Study Finds

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

A drought on the scale of the legendary Dust Bowl crisis of the 1930’s would have similarly destructive effects on U.S. agriculture today despite technological and agricultural advances, a new UChicago study finds.

Dr. Ramesh Nair

Ramesh Nair Appointed Assistant Director of Operations at the Research Computing Center

Friday, December 2, 2016

Dr. Ramesh Nair has been appointed the Assistant Director of Operations for the Research Computing Center (RCC). In his new role, Dr. Nair will oversee RCC’s various programs and operations and will contribute to its strategic planning. Dr. Nair will work collaboratively with University faculty and RCC users to understand and ensure RCC’s research computing resources meet their current and future computational and data needs.
